Free Space to Goal – is a path to goal within the critical scoring area as defined by two lines extending from the ball to the outside of the goal circle. No defensive player will be penalized if positioned below the extension of the goal line.
In the diagram, the black dots represent possible shooters and illustrate how the relationship of the shooter’s “free space” changes from different spots.
Definition and image taken from US Lacrosse Women’s Rule Book, published by US Lacrosse.
Free Space to Goal, typically referred to as “shooting space” is a common foul in the women’s lacrosse game. It is a difficult rule to understand and interpret, especially at live game speed. Similar to the misunderstood offsides rule in soccer, shooting space in lacrosse involves not only a defined (yet moving) boundary, but also multiple conditions that affect whether the rule “is” or “is not” applicable.
The free space is the “right of way” of the shooter to take a safe shot and any defensive player that enters that space to disrupt the shot will be called for “Obstruction of the Free Space to Goal”. This results in an immediate whistle since the offending player has created an unsafe condition (for herself). Note: The immediate whistle is designed to stop unsafe play before a shot, however, often times the play happens too fast. Should a goal be scored it does not count.
The shooter has to have a realistic opportunity for a safe shot. If the shooter is closely guarded, within a stick length, and trying to shoot over or through players that are in the shooting space, the dangerous shot rule may apply and a foul may be called on the shooter.
2017 Rule Change – 10-1-1j Situation C: Looking to shoot (NOTE) has been eliminated from the Obstruction of Free Space criteria.
A defender entering the shooting space by being drawn into the space by another attacker (chasing her girl) is not in violation of the shooting space.
Video Tutorial
US Lacrosse has a great video explanation of this rule.