These individual lacrosse stick skills can be done on one’s own or with friends in the backyard or playground to improve basic stick fundamentals and ball familiarity. They are most applicable to younger beginner or intermediate players.
Toss and Catch
Each player has a ball. Hold the stick in one hand, 1/3 of the way down from the head, with knuckles up. Follow the progression as applicable to age and skill by completing sets. Repeat the progression with the other hand.
Basic Toss and Catch – With the ball in the pocket, using the stick, toss the ball up and catch the ball in the pocket.
Catch on Back – Toss the ball up, turn the stick so the pocket faces down and catch the ball on the back of the pocket. Flip the ball up and turn the stick to catch in the pocket.
Toss and Spin – Toss the ball up, spin the stick and catch back in the pocket.
Catch and Spin – Basic toss and catch, but after the catch, spin the stick with the ball in the pocket and toss and catch again spinning in between each toss and catch.
Toss Across – With the ball in the pocket, toss the ball across the body, move the stick over (in front) and catch the ball. Keep the stick across the body and flip back to the original position.
Toss Across Catch Behind – Toss across the body, but move the stick behind the back to catch the ball.
One Handed Passing
Set up rings (hula hoops) or targets at least 15 yards away. With one hand on the stick (near the middle) toss into the rings or target using a stick rotation from the wrist. After a series of repetition add the bottom hand so they can feel the mechanics they have been forced to use with one hand and also gain greater accuracy and distance with the bottom hand. For fun, keep score for balls in the ring or closest to the pin.
A common technical flaw among new and young players is to keep their arms in too tight and throw with a “pushing” motion. This exercise helps eliminate the “push” motion and get the player used to the desired lever-action throwing mechanics. The rings need to be far enough away that it is impossible to reach with a “push” so they can see the effect of proper stick motion. This will also encourage dropping the top hand down. Keeping the top hand too high limits the range of motion and causes passes to go into the ground.
Cradle and Dodge Cones
This is a basic cradle and dodge drill that focuses on cradling on the move, protecting the ball, and getting past a defender. Set out a series of cones in a line 5 to 10 yards between each cone. Players take a running start before the first cone and cradle on the move. Upon reaching each cone execute an evasive dodge using the two common dodges described below.
Pull Dodge (also called Split Dodge) – Plant the same side foot that the stick is held, pulling the stick across the face to the opposite side, swing outside foot in sync,and turning the shoulder to the defender to protect the ball, switch hands and step with new outside foot and regain line.
Roll Dodge – Plant the same side foot the stick is held on the opposite side (away from the stick). The easiest way to teach and remind is if a player is right hand dominant she will plant her right foot on (near) the defenders right foot. “Right foot on right foot” is a simple reminder trigger. Bring the stick across the face in sync with the plant step away from the defender (to opposite side shoulder). Box out the defender with one’s rear end, pivot off the plant foot counter clockwise, and continue on a right side line to the goal. (Reverse steps for left handed players).
Wall Ball
A player can’t do enough wall ball. While a rebounder is ideal to simulate more realistic passing and catching velocity, often a wall will have to do. Here are links to two wall ball routines with videos.
Beginner Wall Ball Routine with Video